Now are the times for printed design to defend itself. More often works is published digitally. But, at it's best there is something magic about printed items.
This publishers book catalogue for Aalto ARTS Books from 2021 is designed using the visual guidelines, fonts and colors, of Aalto University but there was a freedom in creating the layout and illustrations with artful expression.
Pekka Toivanen is a Finnish jazz saxophonist and teacher. This record is a collection of classic jazz standards.
Fontwalk is a map of typographic curiosities in Helsinki Kamppi area made as a part of the World Design Capital year of Helsinki. Text by Camilla Pentti and Katri Paakkanen, background research and text editing by Katri Paakkanen. Published for Napa Gallery, 2012, size 420x297 mm.
Work commissioned by the Annantalo Arts Centre in Helsinki. The brochure informs visitors about the values, goals and activities of the centre. Cover is printed with silkscreen colors black and gold on cardboard material. Size 240x130mm, 20 pages.